
Seasons, Cycles, and Mindfulness

The arrival of snowdrops marks a seasonal turning point near my home. While we probably have a good snow storm or two left before it actually feels like spring will stay, change is in the air. Maple syrup time is under way, the first growing things are braving the cold, bird songs are shifting, and the world smells different.

Here at the studio things are changing, seasons and practices are both evolving. Trade wars, climate change, and the relationship between the two, are having a direct impact on how I work. Some materials that were previously available, just aren’t any more. As I research more and become more sustainable things will continue to shift. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Thank you for believing that as a society we can do better.

Part of connecting with land is learning how it speaks to you. Learning to listen. Ten days earlier than last year, the snow drop flowers are starting to open. Two weeks earlier than the year before. The land I love is struggling to adjust. I’m here with it, struggling, trying to learn the dance as rhythms falter and change; finding wonder and connection where I can.

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